Blog Catch Up

So a lot has been happening and I know I said that I will try to Blog more often, look where we are now. How is time getting the best of us already? And when I have off I just seem to be glued to the chair and wanting to chill. And it’s not like I don’t have an update a lot has happened during the weeks. I just need to get that focus of where I want this blog to really go and what I have in mind for it. 

Looking at my previous posts I used to blog like every Monday reporting the weekend and then every Friday reporting on the week. Guessing the older I get the less I do in life and I am sure a person would not want to read every Monday of the amount of washing I do on the weekend and dishes I do during the week.

So let’s do the catch up game:

Was a month I was dreading. For the previous two months I have been sending out my CV everywhere every night I sent it to at least 10 different companies, adverts or people. I was down and stressed. The thought of knowing I won’t have a work end of that month was more than what I could handle. I had the greatest support and faith that helped me when I needed it most but being a person we all get that side tracked motion and hit it bad. There was promises and all that was being said was its ok don’t worry. And the more that was said the more a person worries. I came to a point where I put my faith in God more and left what I heard of the people. I just took my whole situation and told God he knows the path for my life and if this is what is to come then just give me the strength, I felt in my heart that I was not strong enough to just sit at home and wait and hope for something but I knew that God would not place me in a situation that he knows I cannot handle. I came to a point where the stress was just gone. Where I nearly felt nothing I guess you can say. I just took it as it came.

The last day of the month I had an interview at the mine for an Admin assistant position. After that I went to do my exit on the mine. Before leaving and trying to pack our things, HR the place I worked at gave me a temp position up until end of August. I signed and felt some relief at least I knew that I wold not have to worry for this month but still a person could not really see past August of what would happen then would the stress come again. And what happened next was something only God can do. Something that I am and will be forever grateful for. On the same day I heard that I got the Admin assistant position that was permanent. Going from exit, to temp to permanent in one day something I would not have thought starting the year and month would ever happen. After 3 years sitting back watching others grow, shine and just have things handed to them while stabbing me in the back my time of being patient has finally come. God has opened more than just a door. 

So this month over flows with blessings. Just knowing I am permanent helps so much the stress of month to month is gone. I am in a new environment something different a challenge and hopefully I can grow and shine in my new department. Leroy and I have been blessed beyond words to be able to have the opportunity to get a new car for ourselves. It all happened so fast that when I open the garage it still hard to believe that the car there is ours. We ended up getting a Kia Cerato 2011 perfect choice by Leroy. It’s an amazing car to have for now and the long run. And I also got the opportunity to get a contract phone. Getting myself more credit.

It’s been one of those past few months where I just look back and like what just happened. I am able to say that I am fully all in all happy no questions about it. 

We got Luka fixed, sound weird like he was broken. Well he didn’t really want to love us as much so guess he was. But at least now he can run around free no worries of having the neighbour and her how much ever cats get pregnant by Luka. And we hope it calms him down and makes him more loveable. Although every time he comes back inside he gets just unbearable not sure what has gotten to him. 

The big wedding is coming up closer and closer unreal. I am excited so I can only imagine what my cousins fiancé must be feeling and going through. Going to try on dresses soon. Scary excited. Not really a going to shops to get a dress person but with the pictures we looked at I can’t wait.

We looked at more houses to Rent which was stupid lol making us want to move out more although the neighbours themselves makes us want to move out more. Their just one of those neighbours where my patience is running out thin. But we not moving any time soon going to try and defiantly make the best of the place we have now. Could have been worse and our place does have potential. 

There we go caught up. Already in May and trying not to fall to much behind again. 

Some pictures of the month :-)

Did a photo shoot of my brother and His GF for their 1 year.

Did my last shoot of Zoé as they went to Dubai

Me and QiQi

Me and my Lief

Now on to brain storming on my blog the life it will lead and the purpose it will serve (dramatic outro music)


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