LOVE YOURSELF - like no one else can
Now that we have our own photo shoot coming up I am rather excited and nervous at the same time wonder if my clients ever feel this away as well? Willem at least got himself some nice clothes men really have it easy. At least I found something to wear that matches his and all that maybe it is just us woman that makes things more complicated than they need to be. Yeah that sounds about right.
But any way so I was looking up some examples of what couples where and what not and I came across this other woman’s blog who also has a YouTube page and she has made a pretty good name for herself out there. And when you look at her blog and all you understand why.
Her blog is: www.
So as I was going through her blog I came across this post and I love it want to get this printed and placed on my wall for an everyday reminder!
How to Love Yourself and Feel 100% Beautiful
Hi beautiful makeup geeks!
This blog post is a different one for me- a very personal message to each of my women viewers out there. Hopefully I don’t come across fake or cheezy, because I truly mean every word I say and feel a burden to share some encouragement to us women (myself included as I struggle with this just like many of you!)
There’s not a single woman I know that doesn’t tell herself on a regular basis “I hate my thighs” or “My stomach looks so fat” or “I wish my boobs were bigger”. Why do we put ourselves down so much? Not even the prettiest celebrity is perfect- I’m sure even Halle Berry wakes up some mornings complaining about something.
EVERY single woman has something to offer- maybe you have gorgeous thick hair, or model length legs, or a beautiful nose. Focus on that instead of the one thing you don’t like about yourself. Personally, I’ve always hated my thighs. Even looking at kid pictures, I think “Look at those thunder thighs!” That’s how God created me. I can’t help it. So, I need to embrace it and love ALL of me 100%- imperfections and all. I can strive every day to be perfect, but even if I lose more weight, grow my hair out longer, or whiten my teeth more, I’m still going to age! I’ll then have to deal with wrinkles and a sagging butt. Oh well, at least I’ll still have nice eyes and big ta’tas! LOL. That’s what my attitude needs to be: I’ll never be perfect, but neither will anyone else. Quit comparing myself to others and be happy with what God gave me- regardless of my weight, age, or anything else for that matter.
It’s time for each of us to focus on our good points, and accentuate that. If you have amazing legs, then wear a looser top but wear shorts or a mini skirt- show off your assets! If you have a nice rack, then wear a v neck sweater. If you have amazing lips, then wear a beautiful pink lipgloss that makes them stand out. For me, I like my chest and my eyes- I think that’s why I love doing makeup so much. It accentuates what I feel is a good feature for me- my eyes.
If we start embracing our good qualities and don’t focus so much on the “bad”, then we’ll walk out the door a little more confident. Everyone else will start to notice too. Trust me, guys are too busy looking at my nice eyes or chest to pay attention to my thunder thighs. And you know what? I’m ok with that and so are they
What’s YOUR best feature? How can you play that up?
Stay happy and healthy and beautiful!
Much love,
I love what she wrote makes you think and to just want to stop complaining about small shit.
That’s what I am going to try do now, I know my body might not be perfect and I might not be the size I want to be and I know in time I will get there maybe not now, not over night and all but I will but until then I am going to try accept myself for who and what I look like.
My best feature: My lips, hair and ass! Hahah yeah I love it even if I don’t show it.
I have a man who loves me for who I am and that doesn’t happen often so I should “embrace” my individuality and show it off!
Just thought I would share with you what I found and hope it makes you feel great about yourself and makes you think twice about what you say!
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