2 Months down 200 more to go!!!!
Today is also another special day its mine and Willems 2 month anniversary.
Might not be a year like everyone else but we are getting there in time. So I wrote a letter type thing to send to him and I thought I would share it on the blog post as well because I really like what I said to him and wanna share it to the WORLD! I sent it to him this morning and got a nice phone call he kind of sounded like a naughty boy or something hahaha you can hear he kinda forgot the day and I wanted to remind him last night but I thought let’s see if he remembers and well yeah I guess it’s just in a girls nature to remember things like this, while watching mike and molly last night the one guy asked them how long have they been together and Mike answered a year and molly corrected by saying 7 months and it got me thinking you know is it for men just a number like it doesn’t really matter how long we are together as long as we are together type thing? And for us woman it’s like that’s the first thing you say about the guy you are with nearly. Either way it doesn’t really bother me if he remembers or not I guess I am the type of person who tries to make dates like this special and important as it is important to me so I guess I do tent to go the extra mile or something different. so last night when he called i foudn myself in tears again thats all i seem to do isnt is but i was strong for the week and it was good i know i will see him soon and all so then why was i in tears again i guess because i knew today was another special day and it just made me miss him more not that i miss him less every second that goes by i miss him, But any way this is what I sent to Willem.
I know that it is only two months and there will still be so much more to come and that no matter where we are on this day it will always remain special and important to me. The 2nd greatest day of my life the 1st was finally meeting you and being able to hug and kiss you. I do wish we could be together on this day and have an evening out even if it outside under the stars just in each other’s arms that’s all I need. But I know soon I will have you here and we can make up for lost time ;-)
Thank you for not only the 2 months we have been together but for the months we have gotten to know one another and that you were there for me. With every letter I run out of things to say and I wonder if I said it in the previous one or if I should add it in this one so if I do repeat myself sorry but they say repetition is the mother of learning not sure how that saying goes for this letter but think creative J
Willem in this 2 months that we have gotten serious and gotten to know one another I have learnt a lot about you and I thought that I would like to make a list of what I have learnt and what I love most about you, (as we did say we would say every day what we love about one another but tend to forget)
1. I learnt that your heart is much bigger than you say it is, as with all the people you care for and all the love you give and share it cannot be that small.
2. I have learnt that you are actually ticklish (tnx to Kelly) and I love to tickle you when you least expect it as I love hearing that laugh of yours.
3. I have learnt that it is okay to talk about one’s self to someone, and you make me feel that no matter what it is I can talk to you and I know you are there.
4. What I love most about you is how you reach out your arms and say “come here” and then you give me the best hug/cuddle ever.
5. What I love most about you is when you get that puppy dog look in your eyes and you have this soft boyish weird voice when you say “ I is loving you”
6. What I learnt about you is that you don’t like sour sweets but you do pull the most funniest faces ever when you eat one and you don’t know you did.
7. What I love about you is that when I am done getting ready you really look at me with those eyes and I can see you mean it and you say that I look beautiful.
8. I learnt that I don’t need to have fancy clothes, or be all dolled up with makeup you still love me when I am just awake in my pj’s
9. I have learnt that after three twitches you’re out like a candle and on your way to dream land.
10. I have learnt (sadly the hard way) that you take your time in cleaning the cars and like things done properly.
11. What i love about you is that you are willing to make me happy and that you say you’re proud of things I do.
12. I have learnt that you don’t like cooking but at least you can help.
13. I have learnt that you do swear a lot on the road but it is understandable as to why you do. (so no badness there)
14. I have learnt that you were a very naughty boy when you were young and caused a lot of shit at times (but who doesn’t when they young)
15. What I love most about you is that you’re grateful and truly grateful when I help or offer something and I am so happy that you are not like the rest who use others for what they have.
16. What I love most about you is how you call my mom, dad and brother your family and that they see you as their son and brother already.
17. What I love most is when I wake you up and you get that smile on your face with that “Good morning princess”
18. What I love most about you is that I can always feel loved when I am with you.
19. I learnt that you like giving hugs, kisses and holding hands in public and I am getting used to it and well kind of expect it now.
20. I learnt that your amazing at your job and I am super super proud of you
21. I learnt that you have a super soft spot and I guess like me have that tap when you just find yourself crying at emotional times.
22. I have learnt that you like army books and stories and that they interest you a lot.
23. I have learnt that you are a size shoe bigger than me shocker hahaha and that we are the same height nearly (without heels)
24. What I love about you is that I always get to wake up with an amazing message from you.
25. What I love about you is that no matter the distance and time and place it feels like you are here and that you put in the effort to make us work.
26. What I love most about you is when you say you are going to marry me.
27. What I love about you is that you have the most amazing son and family and I am happy to have gotten to meet and know them soon hopefully I will meet your son.
28. I learnt that you are an amazing father and yes role model to Aiden and he is totally blessed to have you as a dad. (Happy father’s day soon!)
29. I love how you teach me new things whether its cranes or other things.
30. And what I love the most is YOU, all of you who you are as a person in my life how you changed it and made it ten thousand times better by just being part of it.
In months to come the list will grow I am sure we will know more and more of one another. I just want you in my life forever and always and I cannot thank you enough for everything Willem the messages, the phone calls, the caring, the love, the kisses, the just being you I am forever grateful and blessed to the end of the earth.
Stay the way you are.
Happy two months my love and I am looking forward for the 200 more we will share!
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