Another year older but yet just getting more beautiful.
I would like to dedicate this blog post to my loving mother by saying Happy birthday.
Today you are 45 years old and yet you are just becoming more and more stunning with each passing year.
Today you are 45 years old and yet you are just becoming more and more stunning with each passing year.
I woke up this morning leaving a little gift for my mom and i feel bad that it isnt something big and amazing but i mean technically i got Bella for her and i am happy she is happy with her but now that today is her birthday i cant show up empty handed just doesnt feel right. so i did a last minute shopping and got her some chocolates and a clicks gift card.
I feel as if though I have no words that I would be able to use to full explain my appreciation, love and respect for the mother you are in my life. From the day I was born up to this very moment you have always been there. The song that comes to mind now is “Because you loved me”
“For all those times you stood by me, for all the truth that you made me see, for all the joy you brought to my life, for all the wrong that you made right, for every dream you made come true, for all the love I found in you, I will be forever grateful mommy, you’re the one who held me up, who never let me fall, you’re the one who saw me through it all, you are my strength when I am weak, you are my voice when I cannot speak, you are my eyes when I couldn’t see, you saw the best there was in me, lifted me up when I cannot reach, you gave me faith and you believed I AM EVERYTHING I AM BECAUSE YOU LOVED ME”
I think all those words in the song would actually be good words to show how much I love you mom and how much having in your life means to me.
Things I love about my mom and will always remember and never replace:
1. I love how my mom is not only my mother but my best friend, sister and a mentor who is always willing to listen and I know no matter what it is we can sit over a cup of coffee and chat like there is no tomorrow and she never judges me.
2. I will always remember how we used to sit in the bath together for hours and talk about everything.
3. I will always remember my mom’s crazy talents or hobbies that she went through the candle making, scrapbooking and now knitting and quilting either way was fun to see how she progressed and how far she has come.
4. I will always remember when we were young on Saturdays we would all join my parents in their bed and my mom would go make us toast with different spreads and we would all sit and watch KTV.
5. I will always remember and cherish the days my mom kept me off sick from school and we got to spend the day together and she got to look after me.
6. I love how we have our mother and daughter days going shopping or just relaxing with DVD’s and all the junk food one could ever imagine.
7. I love how when I am not sure about a decision my mother was always there to encourage me and help me make the right choice.
8. I will always remember how when I had hockey games she would stand there and support us and I could always hear her laughing on the field.
9. I will always remember how amazing of a mother she was to friends and family.
10. I love and cherish all the food she makes the good home cooked Sunday meals as that was something I really missed when I was in America.
11. I will always remember the times we went out dancing, how much fun that was.
12. I will always remember the times I got scared or when there was bad thunder how you would take our mattress and put it in your room so we can be close to you.
13. I will always remember and cherish how when I was scared (which seemed to be always) you would comfort me and wait till I was asleep.
14. I love how when you try get upset with us you make mistakes and just end up laughing at yourself.
15. I will never forget when I went for operations you were right there when I went in and when I woke up and even though I was not the friendliest person then you were patient, loving and as a mother is Caring. And you always remembered my teddy.
16. I love how with every life important decision I had to make you were right there helping me making sure it was the right one.
17. I love how you are as excited as I am about my future wedding and that you are already helping me plan and save for it.
18. I will always remember and cherish the shoulder you offered me when I could not stop crying.
19. I love how even when I am in the worst mood ever you are there and know just what to say.
20. I will remember and love who you are as a person, as a mother and as a friend.
I can just hope that one day I am lucky enough to be half the daughter, sister, friend, wife and mother you are today. And I hope that with everything I do and everything I am inside of me I make you proud to be my mother.
I love you with all my heart and I thank God so much today that he placed you in my life.
Thank you mom for who you are and all you have done, may God bless you with 45 more years to come and I hope even though we don’t have much to give and much to do that you enjoy your special day.
Thank you mom for who you are and all you have done, may God bless you with 45 more years to come and I hope even though we don’t have much to give and much to do that you enjoy your special day.
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