Friday baby yeah! I get to leave at 2 and then our PIENAAR family wedding weekend begins.

I am excited to see the venue and all my family again and most defiantly excited to see on Saturday how my cousin looks and how her wedding will be. I am also just a bit nervous of the pictures not nervous as in I don’t think I can or should do it just the whole unknown thing but I am prepared and ready for what happen and will be clicking away every chance I can.
This week I really seem to miss Willem a lot, yes I know when don’t I miss him but this is the longest time now that we have been apart and it gets to a person. Mostly when you least expect it. At least I get to rapport it is not only me that is hating this distance, It’s Willem as well. It’s hard at times, really really hard but there is something that we share that just in a way makes it a bit easier. And I know when we do get to see each other it is time we cherish and appreciate more. I guess to look at it in a funny wife’s way, “ some wife’s just wish they could spend a week without their husband for some peace and quiet and well here I am luckily enough to not only have one week but 6? “ ahahah no that doesn’t help. ANY WAY .
You know when they say everything happens for a reason and when one door closes another one opens. Well I was told that I would move down to the Fancy building if I can put it that way and help out there for three weeks as they need someone ASAP, I would be working for big bosses finally a secretarial position where I get to learn new things and get my name out there, I am super excited and just so Blessed that God has presented me with this opportunity to prove myself and its true praying really does work, not that I doubted it for any second. So will see what happens and place it all in God’s hands as he has given me all I have to today!!
And yes I am going to brag again I have to, I finally can. I remember the one time a friend and myself was talking about how we just wished we had a boy friend and love and all that things, you know the soppy love post on face book, the hundreds and thousands of pictures and all that lovey dovey stuff and now that I have it I think I am entitled to brag when I want to, No not rub it in any one’s faces just brag. See no caps not BRAG just brag hahaha any way, so when I told Willem that I now am moving to the other position for a while he was so happy for me I could hear it in his voice. That’s what I love about him he gets as happy as I am for good news.
How blessed am I to have two amazing mothers? And by two I mean mine and Willems. And today they are going to Cape town now I am not sure if I am jealous of them going or if I am happy for them but I know I am excited for them and hope all goes good and they have a blast, hope the cold isn’t to bad, guess the jealous is that they get to be there and I’m stuck at work ahahah. But they need it so enjoy it to the fullest or till you can’t take the cold any more.
Other than that there is not much new to rapport for the week of events. Just heard it is really cold by the wedding venue and yeah packed enough warm things I hope!
Will update as soon as I can with pictures of course!  As my camera is fully charged.


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