Easter Mason Jar Goodness!!!

I have been dying to do this post for about a week now, thats what i get when i make something early and have to wait to first give it to people before posting it.
But was worth it.
As i said i love pinterest so much and the ideas one can find there is amazing. When i saw this idea i wanted to do it straight away.
Who all remembers their Easter childhood search in the gardens and Sugar rush for days....
Was Amazing, how smart where our parents?
I remember the one Easter hunt we had on the farm with my Nonno and Nonna, My Nonno saying he got a letter from the Easter bunny telling him where all the eggs are hidden for clues, and I just though OMW how cool my Nonno knows the Easter bunny.

So we havent done something special like that in a while as no one is really kids in the house any more and sadly we cant take a random kid from the street and say search the garden for eggs, weird.....

So seeing as its Leroy's family tradition to still give each other eggs me being me i wanted to do it special and different. So this is what i cam up with and well apparently according to my mom after her showed her the cute idea said we have that same tradition i decided to make both our families one have them enjoy themselves.

So what you will need:
* Mason Jars of course any size you want i loved the small ones but seeing as though i already got the Easter bunny first i needed that size jar
* Any candy that is colorful and egg shape
* Easter Bunny
* Ribbon
* Grass like things hahaha, there was strips of green grass type but it was to much and what i got worked perfect.

and thats all simple and putting it together is pretty easy aswell but sure as hell fun.....

I put things in and took it out a few times and finally found the perfect order of things so
First you place the ribbon you want around the jar. i wanted to add name tags or something but we dont have all that in the house yet but no worries
then it will look like this:
 I love how the dots on the ribbon looks like Easter eggs, (tnx mom)

Ok then you place the sweets (with out eating)

Ok then you take your Bunny and you place it how you would like tilted, or straight.

then you add the grass around, try to get it all the way down so that it looks like the egg is hidden in the grass.

Then you can add the rest of the sweets on the top put on the lid and bam.

so on the lid i some how magically made like a nest for the two eggs. and i think that made it look really cute?

So what you guys think?
Fun to make and super fun to hand out.

I am in love with all the cute things you can do with mason Jars and will be doing them alot in the future so be on the look out.



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