Going from will I ever - this is really happening and I couldn’t be happier.

So by the title I am sure you know what I could be blogging about? The reason I am happy again. LEROY!
We go through a lot of things as a person and there are times where you meet someone and after a few months of dating you end up talking of YOUR LIFE TOGETHER, what you two would like and wish and dream of how you would like it to be. But then sadly it ends and that heart break makes you feel like you will never be able to find someone again yet in fact the thought of having to start over and try find someone and learn things about them again hurts where you just got used to the ways of the other now to start fresh is hard and these days it’s hard to find people the old fashioned way. Technology has taken over.
I was one of them with the previous relationship I was left thinking that this was it but when we broke up I was torn and didn’t want anything to do with men for a while. When I least expected it Leroy came in being his own geeky funny self cheered me right up making me forget once and for all of the break up and that my heart was in pieces. It’s true that one person can change your world by just being part of it.  So won’t go into detail as I think I already did of how we met if not will do that another time. And now in the point where we are of our relationship I realize that what I thought was it wasn’t and that this what we share IS!! 100% IT!!!
BIG NEWS: We are moving in together by the end of May 2014 we will have been officially moved in and yes I am counting the days and having one million plans in my head of how to decorate it and what I would like to do and what needs to be done, by just typing that I am already thinking more stuff. BRAIN WORKING OVER LOAD. I am so happy that my parents mostly father agreed and didn’t have a problem with it we were both so scared to talk to him about it and just like that he was like ok we sat there in shock waiting for the whole hahaa joke part thank goodness he didn’t. I am feeling more and more grown up first time moving out the house and first time with a guy. Will be challenging but worth it things don’t come easy and we have to work hard and we will we both share the same values in life and have the same view point on things so I am sure it will go good.
I must say it was amazing going to the shows and walking through stores and looking for things for our house not for the one day maybe now for the soon part and its real soon. Have all our colors for each room set and more of ideas where we would like things. The house is pet friendly but sadly it’s not big enough yard space for my 2 Babies breaks my heart to think I am leaving them behind with such a great deal of my life but it wouldn’t be fare to them if I put them from a huge space to smaller one and to take one and not the other. So they are staying at OUMA AND OUPA. I am looking forward to the having my parents visit me and we visit them.
One thing I won’t forget that my dad said with tears in his eyes: DON’T FORGET ABOUT US!!  How could I why would I? I am who and where I am cause of them and for that I will always be grateful pushing them aside will never be what I will do they are a huge part of my life and every chance I get I will see them.
Valentine’s Day update: after the week of rushing and stressing to get his gift done it came out looking good, I wore my dress and he wore his suit shirt and tie looking all handsome and so thought everyone else that we walked past. We looked good. He had something planned but something happened and then we were going to eat at our first date place got there and full. So we went to Witbank mall ate pizza our own tradition and watched PAD NA JOU HART amazing movie although half way through the Movie Leroy said he knows the story line hahha, didn’t think that was funny. Luckily he didn’t tell me anything. Only that ended up taking until 12:30. Late night but so worth it every second. All I want on Valentine’s Day is to spend it with my love talk over dinner and just be with one another remembering in the times you started until where you are now. When I got to the car there was a huge teddy sitting in my seat and under my seat I got my amazingly awesome new watch love it. Love how he surprises me like that. The teddy already has a name hahaa yes its SLINKY. His nick name Shini and mine Lientjie
So from today its #95 days left and I have so much left to do but with every day that passes and every idea that comes in I get more excited…..
Hope you will stay tuned for the rest of my amazing journey will put pictures of the house as soon as I can and as soon as I see the inside!!!


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