The Wedding of Mr and Mrs Martens
The day we have all been counting down on has arrived and went faster than what we could have thought. This is their wedding Blog. It might or will really be long but worth a read and for me a look back on memory.
On the 1st October my brother and I went to
Pretoria where the groom and groomsmen went their way and us bridesmaid and
bride stayed at Nadia’s parents’ house.
Thursday we chilled and had a girls night in. some got their
nails done and we had Pizza and made lists on lists to remember for the big
day. That night we thought to go to bed early to at least have a good nights
sleep for the next day. And there I was couldn’t even fall asleep. At about 2
that morning I eventually fell asleep and woke up about 6am to afraid to over
sleep and miss out.
And the day came on the 2nd October we woke up , it was a
slow peaceful morning. We got ready, packed the car and went to the place where
we will be getting ready. With a lot of steps to the room we placed everything
down and got started with Hair. The day started slow and hot. That place and
heat omw I needed a permanent aircon by my side. Our hair came out amazing I
loved it so much. People started coming in and out the room. Make up done and
honestly I couldn’t recognize myself. I loved it so much. That I could look
like that unreal.
I took pictures where I can but before I knew it we were up
and down helping the flower girls, assisting with the Photographer with Shots
he needed, standing in front of the aircon, helping the Bride, getting the room
sorted. It was a up and down all of a sudden and I from there sadly didn’t
capture any more shots. I want to kick myself yes sadly I really wanted at
least some of the bride and what not but from 16H00 till we got to the church
it was a blur and went fast.
When we got to the church I was the lucky winner to have to
walk down isle first. Just thinking of it again my heart is beating fast.
Standing by the door waiting for the signal to go I was so scared don’t ask how
my legs got me to where I needed to be. Apparently I looked mad, but in my mind
I was nervous and just walked lol. The church part was really nice and short. Luckily
cause the heat and flies wasn’t working together I must have looked stupid
trying to chase flies away and wipe off some sweat. When Nadia was walking down
the isle it was so hard not to cry. I just looked up and away she looked so
beautiful, so graceful a perfect bride. Looking at them finally together taking
this step I couldn’t be happier I just wanted to cry.
After the ceremony we took a few pictures with the Bride and
Groom, where after they did their own pictures. I went to greet the rest of the
family and get a few things together. It was really so great to see family
again. To see cousins you have not seen for so long. Like my cousin Tenisha she
grew up in front of me in a way with me spending school holidays there and look
at her now. I loved how she remembered me and every now and then when I looked
she was by my side.
The reception was amazing and fun. We first played the Shoe
Game yes I also never heard of it until then but it’s a really good ice
breaker. The questions was funny and the response the bride and groom gave was
even funnier. Speeches were done and the tears came. You try keeping them in
when you see the bride and groom have tears in their eyes.
I was going to speech in Afrikaans say what? For my Ouma
Anne but sadly she was to sick to attend which we all missed her there. Here is
my speech I sent it to her so she can read.
When Carlo Asked Me To Do A Speech And Toast On
Ouma Anne I felt Honoured. But Honestly What Do You Say About A Woman, who
changed our lives by just being part of it. It is hard but I am going to try my
best to put into words what she means to us
What Is A Ouma
A Ouma is a remarkable woman.
She's a wonderful combination of
warmth and kindness, laughter and love.
She overlooks our faults, encourages our dreams,
and praises our every success.
A Ouma has the wisdom of a teacher,
the sincerity of a true friend,
and the tenderness of a mother.
She's someone we admire, respect and
love very much.
A Ouma will always have a cherished
place in our memories and in our hearts.
She's someone for whom we want every happiness
in return for the joy she always brings.
A Ouma is all the dear and precious
things in life...
When she's A Ouma like our Ouma Anne
A Ouma is a remarkable woman.
She's a wonderful combination of
warmth and kindness, laughter and love.
She overlooks our faults, encourages our dreams,
and praises our every success.
A Ouma has the wisdom of a teacher,
the sincerity of a true friend,
and the tenderness of a mother.
She's someone we admire, respect and
love very much.
A Ouma will always have a cherished
place in our memories and in our hearts.
She's someone for whom we want every happiness
in return for the joy she always brings.
A Ouma is all the dear and precious
things in life...
When she's A Ouma like our Ouma Anne
Before I carry on I want to state that I am a
Soutie so excuse me while I nervously continue
In my Kinderjare het ek ‘n paar nagedagtes saam met Ouma Anne wat ek altyd naby aan my hart sal hou. Want as dit
nie vir Ouma Anne was nie sou ek nooit
geweet het hoe melkkos proe nie, en dit was Ouma Anne wat my mooi geleer het hoe om dit te maak.
Maar ek kan dink dat Carlo meer gedagtes saam met Ouma het want hy
het basies voor haar groot geword. Ek vra toe vir Carlo wat is sy gunsteling oomblik saam Ouma Anne wat
vir hom die meeste uitstaan, hy se toe vir my dit was die keer toe Ouma Anne vir Carlo n pakslaan gegee het met haar
pantoffel omdat hy weg gehardloop het en dat sy meer as Carlo daar oor gehuil
het, en dit wys jou net hoe sag haar hart regtig is.
Dit was Ouma Anne wat Carlo so baie bederf het dat hy nou die
selfde van Arme Nadia verwag. Dit
was Ouma Anne wat vir Carlo so
vet gevoer het met all haar kos, koekies ,poeding en Sweeties wat sy
weg gesteek het in haar tarentaal penne
sakkie in haar laai. Dit is in Ouma Anne se oe waar Carlo niks verkeerd kan
doen nie en moet nie eers probeer met haar stry nie jy gaan sleg tweede kom glo
my ek het al probeer. Maar die belangrikste van alles is dat dit is Ouma Anne is wie gehelp het om Calro te vorm in die man wat ons hier voor ons sien vandag. Dit was met haar
liefde, warm drukkies en sagte hart wat
hom deur die lewe se reis gehelp het en
vir dit se ons Dankie Ouma Anne en
sterkte Nadia!
Ouma Anne ek kan aan gaan vir ure van al die oomblike saam met jou en oor die wonderlike persoon wat jy in ons almal se lewens is. Maar ek gaan dit kort sny en net se van die diepte van ons harte dankie vir die ouma en persoon wat jy is. Jy het elk een van ons lewens geraak om net deel daar van te wees. Ons is so geseend om jou in ons lewens te hê en om jou hier te hê vandag om jou Carools se troue met Nadia te vier ons is baie lief vir ouma!
Ouma Anne ek kan aan gaan vir ure van al die oomblike saam met jou en oor die wonderlike persoon wat jy in ons almal se lewens is. Maar ek gaan dit kort sny en net se van die diepte van ons harte dankie vir die ouma en persoon wat jy is. Jy het elk een van ons lewens geraak om net deel daar van te wees. Ons is so geseend om jou in ons lewens te hê en om jou hier te hê vandag om jou Carools se troue met Nadia te vier ons is baie lief vir ouma!
Can we please raise a glass to Ouma Anne
The girls who danced at the bachelorette to the song of
Superman, Batman Ironman of Jay decided to dance it before Carlo gave his
speech. Because apparently he is the ones who made the moves. It was funny getting
the girls together to agree to do the dance as some of them was like nope I never
dance or I don’t know it but they joined us in the end. Carlos face was
speechless when we dragged him on the dance floor and did the moves. Was really
The evening was filled with laughter, dances, tears, and
happiness. Just the way a wedding should go.
This day is something we were all excited about, counting
down, helping where we can. There has been a lot of ups and downs but if you
look at the wedding it was all worth it. Being on the inside helping up close
has showed me what it is all about and I learnt a lot for my wedding one day.
I just want to add one last thing. Carlo and Nadia I am so
happy from the bottom of my heart. Seeing you two dance and spend your wedding
day together it just shows that what you two have been through was worth it all
to get here. You two deserve each other. I am so blessed to have been able to
be there right by your side and for that I cant say thank you enough. I want to
wish you both the best from here on out. I pray that God guides you both to
where you need to be. That he places his hands over you both and protects you
and your marriage. May the hard times be nothing but a time where you appreciate
each other more and the good time be a reminder of the greatness God can do for
At last your ancient one was able to open your wonderful bloggie thing - Yes my beautiful one you have the heart & personality of your two Nonnas in one which makes our own very special sweet one - Well done - God Bless - Thanks