Things I learnt...

So by the title picture I wasn’t sure how to put it cause I'm not really a stay at home girlfriend and I am not really a house wife ( cause he didn’t put a ring on it lol) but I wanted to do a different Blog post I see a lot of people do tips and how to tips which I love going to and reading helps me a lot this might not help any one but its hopefully something someone will enjoy reading. So here is my top 5 things I learnt about house work Washing never ends, it turns into a whole day weekend job which goes over into the week and carries on again the weekend. Its like if you have something planned for the weekend your brain automatically goes over to when will I get the washing done. Lol I do miss the days where at my moms house I remember Wednesday would come home from work and my washing would be done dry and folded ready to be packed away the easy life. Dishes seem to grow with friends over night, no comment I try make it that It doesn’t look...