Next Week This Time Christmas say what???

I cannot believe how fast this time is gong lately. Trying to get things done and enjoy it at the same time. Sad to think the year 2014 is nearly over and leave will be done soon. But getting that out of my mine now.

So Monday was my last day of work. Which felt unreal and exciting at the same time and having a public holiday the next day didn’t help. It’s nice to be off weird that I won’t be going back to work up until next year which is around the corner. Now that Leroy and I are on leave we get to do fun grown up things yay!!! Not!! Everything that we have been putting off during the week and saying we will do it the weekend and then when the weekend comes we are doing everything except that and we want to rest as much as we could before work on Monday so now we get to do all that and know the next day we can chill or stay in a bit later. Wish luka would let us sleep a bit late. 

I am so happy and blessed that I have so much shoots booked this month. Love love love it. Growing more and more as a photographer and the confidence in myself is growing tooo. Biiig smily face going on.

Photos so far.

So we got our tree as you can see, I am in love with how it turned out. Nothing fancy but just perfect. And I got to put my American ornaments on. Want to collect a few personal ones as well.  Good thing, Luka loves it too. Every now and then you see him go for the balls. That cat his ears are closed he just maybe doesn’t understand English and the word NO!

He does have is scary cute moments like now we fixed the spare room has so much extra space and we found him sleeping by my one big teddy and every time so far we walk past he is there so cute how he put himself to bed. He learnt how to go to the front with the neighbour’s cats and that is not what we wanted at all. It’s so hard to get him back we sound like crazy people screaming luka luka luka and him running away like we trying to steal him lol. So he is on lock down I don’t want those cats near the house. The already leave their stinky mark where I need to do washing. Wish I knew how I could stop them from coming and doing that in our yard. Fly season sucks with this now.

Our stove is finally working without it tripping the electricity. After 4 phone calls and a not so friendly agency they came out for the 3rd time to fix it. After we told them we don’t think it’s exactly the stove even though when we put it on at the board it does trip but the wires that some idiot put out side makes a spark and they finally saw that. Was so close to getting a new stove but at least it works and I get to make yummy food again. 

Tried making this Santa cookie mix, fail. Looks like Grinch cookies and my heart shapes didn’t work out so no after picture attached for no embarrassment this is why I will stick to food and muffins and scones.

We are trying as much flavors of our coffee machine as we can. Hard not to take one in the shops and try it. Wish they had a mixed pack though to try them all instead of getting one with all inside and not really liking it. But its ok it’s still amazing.
So with all the editing I am doing lately I upgraded my look if you can say, double screens. I get a bit side tracked when I edit so I thought why not put a screen then I can watch shows and edit and Leroy can play games and I love it I can’t leave my desk now. 

Looky looky at what I did still cant believe I drew it, not to bad if I can say so myself this makes me want to get a big chalk board and do more holiday or themed things. Been in the drawing mood lately don’t ask why..

And i made this candle from which i got the idea from Pintrest, a Christmas candle, took a vanilla candle and wrapped cinnamon sticks around it as easy as that, don't forget the cute ribbon, first candle i can smell a flavor 

I am trying to take as much photos as I can for my blog and also different angled and typed ones but its not that easy as the other people in their blogs make it look. I would like to try one year the Blogmas instead of Vlogmas as they do on Youtube where they vlog every day I can blog every day. Hahaha will see one year.
Hope who reads this enjoyed my blog today hope you all have a safe and happy holidays..


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