Birthday Dad -Q & A

Hey guys so I thought I would do something different with Birthdays. I want to do like a Q & A of important people in my life. If possible once a month. So seeing as though it’s my dad birthday today I thoughts let’s start with him. Ready here we go...(please note I did not change anything that is in the different colour) What is your name - Abel Albertus (Pompie) Pienaar When is your birthday – 1959/08/08 How much children do you have - 2 What are your hobbies – Sudoku – Gardening Explain your life briefly in the past 25 years – There was ups and downs like in any married live, but the ups stands out far above the downs What do you remember about the houses you lived in as a kid? Which one did you like the best? – Was born in Waterval Boven but move when I was one year old to Ermelo staying in 65 Cloete street, move from there to 4 Little Street and final as kid move to 24A Jorrison street. I thing I will ...