My Engagement Story

Hey guys This is a very special blog post I am about to write right here. A girls dream coming true and I want to share it. I AM ENGAGED!!! Reading that, saying it and looking at my ring it still seems unreal. As a girl we think of our big day and when people around you get married and talk wedding plans you can’t help but think of your own day. You see ideas you save them, you see places and things you want and learn what not to do and to now put all that in place to create mine and Leroy’s wedding seems amazingly unreal. So how did he do it for those who might not have heard or don’t know yet. For a while Leroy planned a weekend away for us two. We have a calendar on the Fridge and h e wrote on the weekend on the 27-29 November PTA. And told me to keep the weekend open no questions just to pack we going to Pretoria and I was like ok fine. Of course a part of me was wondering what was going on and i told myself to take the weekend as it comes. Leroy wasn’t acting...