2015 update post
Hey guys I can’t believe I haven’t posted in a while and look where we are now Happy New Year. I know we are already 3 days in the new year but hope it’s a great year for everyone and may it bring happiness and blessings. I wanted to do a blog post on an update on 2015 to date just a little catch up to look back on for myself I like at times to ready back on my posts its like a story book of my life. November we was my and Leroys 2 year anniversary where we went to Olifants riverlodge which was just perfect to relax and swim and get away for the weekend. Delene also asked me to be her Maid of Honour which was a total surprise for me I truly didn’t expect to have such a big honour. I learnt a lot from Nadia’s wedding and her sister who was the Maid of Honour so I am prepared for this journey with a lot of blog posts to follow so be on the look out for both our wedding posts. My Maid of Honour Journey and my Wedding planning posts As you read...