Kimberly weekend Trip.

Cant believe its Friday again to think last week this time we were on the road shows how fast time flies. Friday morning at 2am it started, alarm went off and I couldn’t get out the bed fast enough excited for the adventure to start. Leroy and I left at 4am for our 6 hour trip which actually when you count the time we arrived there it ended up being 9 hours on the road. We finally got into Kimberly at 12:30pm went to the Groot Gat. It was really pretty to see some history things like that is what I love! The half explained how it came to where it is now and all then sadly there was a dog trapped in the hole for as they say 8 days my heart is just sad to even think that he was down there for so long, (yes I gave my dogs the warning speech hahah) We then ventured off to the lodge and was that now a mission no signal to contact people and no signs the GPS also didn’t pick up the location or address and then the heat was crazy. Finally found the place and it was beautiful. How in th...