Never thought I would be posting this EVER

I saw my blog and life going a total different way; I didn’t think that a few days after we were 4 months together that I would end up saying we are broken up. I never for one second saw this coming and yet still now am I trying to wrap my head and thoughts around it all. I mean he was still here last weekend and we were fine, well so I think. I don’t even know where to start or what to say. I know I wish I could turn my mind off for a bit to stop trying to think of what happened and everything. So Thursday was the second day I haven’t heard from Willem and being me I over think and I got worried I mean who wouldn’t get worried when you don’t hear anything for 2 days and neither does anyone else, I knew this wasn’t like him we were friends for a few months and still while dating he has never been this quiet, his mother told me that he is just working and very busy but I had this gut feeling that there was something else I just could not put my finger on it. It’s funny how that n...